<aside> 💡 The goal of this rubric is to look for a student cohort that will benefit most from learning from each other. The rationale behind this is that the course content is all freely available and auditable by anybody - being enrolled means primarily gaining 1) units and 2) direct support from TAs and classmates.

This is by no means a perfect rubric, but it’s worked for us in the past. We'll spend around 10 minutes reviewing it before we dive into apps.


Quick Stats

Total apps: 52 Enrolling: all? except the red flags?? (there’s 48 stools in jacobs 10 lol)

Quick Links

Result Emails

💻 Applications in Airtable


<aside> 💡 We will tentatively each get one person we can 'vouch' for — someone who stood out to you that you would like to get into the class for any reason. Please try not to make this someone you know personally. For your vouch, write your name on their record in the “Vouch” column


Personal Benefit Score

How much will this student benefit from being in this course, focusing particularly on the class community and lab teams aspect? (Would this student benefit from being in course vs. auditing?)

0 - Red flags, single word/very short answers

1 - Doesn't seem to care too much about the class, minimal effort on application

2 - Demonstrates they want to learn, but care purely about technical skills and not class community

3 - Green flags, clearly wants to learn, actively wants to engage in labs and get the most out of the course

Class Benefit Score

How much will this student improve the learning experience for others? (We want to do our best to accept a diverse community of students, from different backgrounds, experiences, majors, transfer students, etc!)

Something else to consider might be if they’re already involved in other design clubs/communities — decals are a more accessible way to learn something than a club, so try to prioritize those who don’t already have established community.

0 - Red flags, single word/very short answers, seems like they wouldn’t enjoy collaborating

1 - No read

2 - Will be a good/average lab participant, will attend course content appropriately

3 - Green flags, excited to engage with other students, has a unique perspective to bring to their lab team

Experience Score

Based on their personal evaluation and familiarity with tools, please assign an "experience score." The descriptions are to provide some context into what beginner/intermediate/advanced might mean, but they aren't set in stone. Treat them more as examples.

0 - Complete beginner: knows nothing about design, never used any tools. "None of the above" responses would go here.