Cherries and pits! Also answer this question: if you were approached by a time traveler from the future pretending to be you, what would you ask them to prove it?
- myles — played tennis with jen today and i had an immaculate shower afterward . sweaty and sticky → clean and great . // no pit since wednesday lol // tell me my most embarrassing moments (all of them. list them out. for example: me playing careless whisper to ask a girl out for hoco, she said yes in front of the crowd and no later)
- phi — Wednesday. // went biking today and got a planner :—) // something that happened w my third grade class that i hate talking about.. Big Bad No Good Mess
- ace — i got the bow hidden aspect in hades and its really fun // continued panic over school starting // tell me my old email address and why it was deactivated + my ao3 username
Streaming Logistics
Questions to answer!
- How should streaming work logistically?
- Myles streams all lessons. If he's not teaching, use Figma multiplayer and share Zoom audio. [This means Myles has to attend every lecture.]
- Myles and Ace stream on lessons we aren't teaching, same format as above.
- Instructors stream their own lessons.
- Should we have class fully on Twitch?
- Pros: less computer strain, consolidated platform, only one place to moderate
- people are already used to zoom + twitch is like an outside layer
- zoom is classroom, twitch is Outer Classroom
- depends on how many people are auditing too — may feel like a waste if there's like 2 auditors we couldn't accept :'))
- Cons: requires twitch acc (?), might risk people invading stream, feels less direct/personal than Zoom, unruly chat (?)
- Let's stick with having both Zoom (closed classroom) and Twitch (public space)
- How many TAs should be present per lecture? How many of us?
- 2 TAs to help moderate chat? 3?
- 2 or 3 sounds good. 1 should be the TA who wrote the lesson (moderate Zoom chat + Qs), then an addtl 1-2. to help (Twitch chat, addtl Qs)
- Set schedule before the semester starts
- Originally said that only the instructor teaching that day needs to attend, but should all of us? (Time conflicts?)
- Ace and Myles will likely come to all lectures, Phi TBA based on other class
- Should we incorporate live CC? Should we clean up CCs after lectures so they're .. coherent?
- Zoom auto CC, Ace fix up transcripts after maybe
Auditor Logistics
- Our Slack is intended to be students-only. How can we help students who are auditing?
- Slack — make it open to anybody, but turn student-only channels private. Only issue is that we won't have user groups or channel grouping bc of free plan.
- Discord — could either be in conjunction to the Slack or move fully to Discord. More open, but kind of further reinforces the Gamerness. Not a ubiquitous platform.
- Piazza — may have a tech implication but also might not? Something that many people are familiar with.
Application Logistics
Current Application:
Airtable | Everyone's app platform