The goal of having labs in this decal is to create a comfortable team/community to practice skills and share work with. Remember to care about your students as designers, but also as people! Almost every lab this semester has at least one freshman — make them feel welcome here at Cal and in the design community :~)
Setting Lab Locations (Zoom/IRL)
- Create a Zoom link that you can use for the whole semester.
- Send it to your lab channel NO LATER than Wednesday night. Pin it somewhere.
- Set up a Slackbot reminder to post the link every Thursday 1 hour before your lab.
- Make sure all of your lab members are in your private #lab-[name] channel, and add missing members.
- You will have to book study rooms for labs. Based on your preference, this can be wherever you want on campus. Try to keep the location consistent.
- Book study rooms here! Each space varies a bit on how early you can book, room capacity, etc. Also currently looking into how to book the Jacobs 310 spaces.
- Send the location of your week 2 lab to your lab channel NO LATER than Friday night. If you can, announce it during the first lab.
- If you ever need to change the location, make sure your students are aware ASAP. Work something out to communicate with your students since study spaces are scarce.
- If you are ever unable to book a room, you're also welcome to do an online lab!
- Set up a Slackbot reminder (or manual reminder) to post the location every Wednesday 1 hour before your lab, if not earlier.
- Make sure all of your lab members are in your private #lab-[name] channel, and add missing members.
Running Labs
Putting in some time each lab to just chat with everyone really goes a long way — take some time to get to know your students. You'll be meeting with this team every week, so foster comfort + community however you best see fit :~) One generally easy is to start each lab with cherries and pits and/or a check-in question.
💡 At the first lab, start with introductions: name, pronouns, year/major, favorite [something] and a check-in response!
Here's some questions to get you started:
- What's something you're looking forward to?
- What is the ideal temperature TO THE DEGREE?
- What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
- What do you use your Berkeley Time for?
- What's something you think is super under/over-rated?
- If you could pick up a (NON-DESIGN) skill immediately, what would it be?
- Here are some additional questions Annie used (mostly from /r/AskReddit) that you're welcome to steal. I (Annie) would usually pick 2-4 question options each week ranging from more surface-level to more personal and let the students pick.