Mini Twitch Guide! woo~
Our Twitch stream now has a bot! The bot will automatically post a welcome message in chat when the stream starts. You can also trigger it manually by typing !welcome in chat. The current list of commands are:
!welcome –> bot posts welcome message !break –> bot posts break message !thanks –> bot posts end of class thanks for coming message
I also briefly introduce myself at the start of lecture and encourage viewers to ask any questions they might have every ~30 mins or so.
If a viewer comes in mid-stream they won’t be able to see messages from before they entered, so I err on the side of repeating myself. As a mod, you can also post links to slides, lecture playgrounds, attendance, and other relevant links.
DM me (Angelina) if you have any questions or ideas on how to improve our Twitch viewing experience for our students and auditors :))