
This is it — halfway through the semester! We're introducing another tool this week (that we didn't have last time around): FigJam! It's a lightweight, powerful whiteboarding tool you can use for brainstorming, diagramming, workshops, and tons more.


Midterm Information

The midterm project has been released, and you can read about it here. Like we talked about last week, this project is a chance for you to tie together the first 5 weeks of content. Feel free to reach out in #ask with any questions, and in the coming week we'll create a #midterm-showcase channel for you to show off your work :~)

Lecture 6 — FigJam + Figma Community

This week, we're learning about two Figma tools that aren't Figma's editor. We'll dive into how and why you can use FigJam, a separate tool from the Figma design editor we've been learning so far. In addition, we'll talk a bit more about Figma Community, the internal tool you've been accessing our content on! Learn how to find inspiration online ✨✨✨

Homework 6 — continue midterm work

Like before, there'll be no specific homework; instead, work on your midterm, practicing the skills learned over the last month. As always, we will have office hours for anyone to come in with any questions or ask for help or guidance.

Lab 6 — Midterm Critique

As you work on these projects, we want to take this week's lab session to critique and give feedback on each other work via FigJam. If you're an auditor, grab a friend to work with or drop your content in a critique channel in Slack! Our staff will be on the lookout and happy to reply to any questions you have.

Slack Community

As always, our Slack Community is open — join through this link! If you haven't already, please introduce yourself in our #welcome channel 💛


All the best,

Ace Chen (he/him/his)

Lead Instructor | Figma Decal
