<aside> 🌷 Hello! Welcome to our Notion hub <3 This is our source of truth for any meetings, planning materials, lessons plans, etc. Please! Don't! Delete! Things!!! But otherwise things are free game :D


Public Site

Introduction to Figma Decal

[Site Archive]

Living Documents

📚 Syllabus (Google Drive)

Lesson Plans

Weekly Tasks

Tip Toolbox

Meeting Notes

Voice and Tone

Resource Library


Twitch Moderating Guide

Lesson Overview

  1. Introduction
  2. More Tools & Critique
  3. Components & Composition
  4. Pen Tool & Vectors
  5. Basic Prototyping
  6. Figjam & Community
  7. Auto Layout & Plugins
  8. Advanced prototyping
  9. Illustration
  10. Special Topics — Misc
  11. Special Topics — Career & Universal Design
  12. Final Showcase

Staff and Contacts